Friday, September 27, 2024

THE WHIMSICAL ART OF Cal Navin, Dick Cruger and Joe Jackson

 Life in retirement. Exhibition with two wonderful artist and friends at the new Design West building, GM Technical Center July 18, 2024. It was truly a pleasure to show with these two artist Dick Cruger and Joe Jackson and to see my tapestries hung for the first time. Being at the design building it wasn't open to the public, but we were able to invite a few friends. Wish many more could have come. The first exhibit in the new design building was pretty special for all of us.  Here are the photos of my work, we each got photo's of our own work, I don't have Dick or Joe's photo's to share. Enjoy, it was an honor. 

Myself and Joe Jackson 

Dick Cruger

Thursday, April 4, 2024


There have been a few times in my life which I’ve been so honored and proud, it’s almost hard for me to put into words. This is one of those times. Many of you know I spent 42 years at GM, 22 years with Design Staff. I’m beyond grateful and so thankful to have been a part of the General Motors Design West, new building art project. A special thanks and gratitude to Michael Simcoe senior VP Design for selecting me, trusting me and supporting my creative vision. A huge shout out to the fabrication team, the wood shop, trim shop and paint shop and all the project coordinators. To Natalie Morath and Christoper Webb and the many others that saw this project through completion. I’m truly humbled. I have always loved and been proud to have worked for such a company that only helped one realize their dreams, and I’ve had many realized, I had the best career anyone could have asked for.
The pieces I share with you are two 28’ x 8’ wall installations. Titled, “ GM BLUES”, “COLOR MY DAY” . I designed both walls in Alias, and chose the color palette. The paint I chose is car urethane with a clear coat over that. The next piece was a dream for me as I was able to collaborated with my sister Liz Matthew’s and my brother Frank Navin, a 12’ X 4’ front and back tapestry titled “ STRATUM” which truly was a labor of love for all of us. I also left behind two murals for the design center parking garage. I am truly blessed to leave these pieces of me in a place I loved so much.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Textiles and Tapestry Work

"Katherine" 29.5" X 20"

 Over the last couple of years I had the honor of being among sixteen artist that were commissioned to make art for the new GM design building. The work I did for the building was two 28' X 8 ' wall installations, and a 12' X 4' front and back hanging tapestry.  After two years of working on the tapestry it solidified for me  a love of textile work and has sent me in new directions artistically. After I finished the tapestry for GM, I took an online class on portrait quilting. Here's where it all began and I have to say, I really love working in fiber. My current work is large scale tapestries of Monkeys and gorillas. The underlying theme being Hear no evil, See no evil, Speak no evil, Monkey see, monkey do. Which translates to live without judgement, stay away from negativity in the world, and speak kindly of one another, and most important lead by example. My work has always had a symbolic aspect to it, where I learn a lot about my own psychology and the world around me. 

    "KIKI ROSE" 51"X66.5"

"Mama's Baby" 50" X 45"
"Chimp" 42" X 56" (Sold)   

 Private collection Peter and Tanya Stevenson 

"HNESNESNE" 72"X45" 

"HUGO" 30"X 21.5" (Sold) Private collection of Therese Pinazzo
  "GORILLA BABY" 79"X55"
"MILFORD" 35"x 21"
"Blue" 29" X 29"
 "Big Boy" 54" X 66.5"
                                               "Fur Monkey" 30" X 30"
"The Chair" (Don)  28.5" X 22"

"Earl" 19" X 19"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
"Neil" 19" X 19"